Applications Open for 2023 Youth Leadership Programme

A girl on a zipline going through a forest smiles at the camera

Vision Sports Ireland are proud to announce the launch of our 2023 Youth Leadership Programme. This programme will take place over 6 weeks beginning on Sunday, 24th September and will be open to participants aged 13-17 years.

The purpose of the programme is to guide the participants through a leadership learning process based on the key values of self-efficacy, respect, competence, dedication & determination, empathy & understanding, accountability and integrity. The programme aims to empower the young people to gain increased self-awareness, challenge their personal narratives around disability and encourage increased independence and confidence.

A girl goes through rings in an obstacle course in the woods. She is attached by a harness and is laughing

A number of guest speakers including Paralympic Athletes will facilitate various sessions throughout the programme.

Ciarán O’Toole, previous Youth Leadership Participant stated “The Youth Leadership Programme was a great experience. I learned all of the qualities and skills needed to be a good leader, heard from Paralympians about their experiences and what they believed made a great leader. As part of the programme I also learned first aid which is a valuable life skill and now I am volunteering with the St. John Ambulance.”

female student looking towards a teacher as they instruct the group

Applications close at 5pm on Wednesday 13th September.

Should you have any question, please feel free to contact Sara McFadden on

Programme Registration

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